News and notes

San Jacinto College named a top 5 community college in the nation San Jacinto College was named a national top 5 community college as a Finalist with Distinction by the Aspen Institute on May 18 at its 2021 Aspen Prize for Community College Excellence virtual award ceremony.  The Aspen top 10 community colleges for 2021 are Amarillo College (Texas), Broward College (Florida), Borough of...
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College’s new facilities are put to good use

By Andrea Vasquez Construction on San Jacinto College’s new campus facilities has reached near total completion. Funded by the College’s 2015 bond referendum of $450 million, new building additions and renovations to the Central, North, South, and Maritime Campuses have been steadily completed from 2019 to now. The San Jacinto College Central Campus’ newest additions include the...
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Hattaway reflects on nearly 50 years of teaching at San Jac

By Melissa Trevizo When Dr. Karen Hattaway set foot on San Jacinto College’s Central Campus, NASA was still prepping to send a man to the moon. Her career as an English professor spans 48 of the College’s 60-year history, making her the most senior faculty member on staff. Fresh out of the University of Oklahoma (OU) with her master’s degree, Hattaway was looking to start her career....

A walk to remember: Spring Commencement 2021

Masks up or down for photos, San Jacinto College graduates were all smiles to return to celebrating in person May 15 at NRG Stadium. Both graduating classes of 2020 joined spring 2021 graduates. Between the two spring commencement ceremonies, 1,671 people walked across the stage — the College’s largest turnout ever. Graduates’ ages spanned from 16 to 75, proving you’re never too...
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