Aging is unavoidable, but good skincare techniques can help smooth the process.
San Jacinto College’s Dana Belt (South Campus cosmetology program director), Cornellia Angelle (North Campus program director), and Oletha Brown (North Campus cosmetology professor) share health and beauty tips on how aging adults can maintain healthy skin.
Q: What are some facts about aging skin?
Belt: Skin shows signs of aging depending on things like heredity and amount of sun exposure as a child. Collagen and elastin production also slows down as you age, and overexposure to the sun over time causes melanin production, which gives you those brown spots.
Q: Is the skin aging process different for men and women?
Belt: Women age faster than men because of the faster rate of collagen loss. Women also tend to get deeper wrinkles since their estrogen levels go down with age. Men should still always wear sunscreen when outdoors and keep their skin clean.
Q: What factors could have negative effects on skin?
Brown: The biggest challenge for mature/aging skin is controlling dryness, dehydration, and hyperpigmentation possibly from sun damage, wrinkles, and sagging.
Belt: Sun exposure is the main thing that speeds up aging. Some other factors are genetics, health issues, smoking, alcohol consumption, and drug use. You should always clean your face and remove makeup before you go to sleep to clean and prevent clogged pores.
Q: What are your tips for maintaining healthy skin?
Belt: Aging skin tends to get drier, so it’s important to exfoliate regularly to allow normal oil production. Powdered collagens can help rebuild collagen production. It is important to get at least 19 amino acids in daily vitamins or with the collagen. Drink plenty of water, eat right, and exercise to boost metabolism and blood circulation, which also increases skin health. Use a daily professional skincare treatment line that includes a cleanser, toner, moisturizer, and sunscreen. You could also get treatments with an esthetician or esthetics spa once every three to four weeks.
Angelle: Sunscreen is the most important factor in any skincare regimen, and some include moisturizers with sun protection factor. It is a good tool for reducing wrinkles, preventing skin cancer, and protecting against ultraviolet rays and sunburn. A sunscreen with moisturizer adds another layer of support.
Brown: Hydration is key. Getting facials will help keep skin hydrated while improving its appearance.
Q: Can you share makeup and beauty tips for aging skin?
Belt: Heavier makeup tends to sink down into the wrinkles, and you can see them more. Get makeup that is not lighter necessarily in color but in weight. Stick to neutral tones.
Angelle: Use makeup foundations with SPF.
Brown: Use products with glitter or shimmer to aid in accentuating skin texture. Use matte colors versus shiny, which helps reduce the appearance of texture from fine lines and wrinkles and improves uneven skin tone from hyperpigmentation.
Q: Does the cosmetology department offer skincare and makeup services?
Belt: Yes, we take clients at the South and North Campuses. Times may vary per semester. Appointments are available Monday to Friday, day and evening.
Brown: We can offer products and services to increase collagen production and synthesis. One service we offer is an enzyme mask or chemical peels, which can change/improve the tone and texture of the skin while reducing surface lines and wrinkles.
For appointments and information, call 281-922-3406 (South Campus) or 281-459-7168 (North Campus). Or visit sanjac.edu/campus-life/student-life-facilities/cosmetology-spa-salon.
By Neesha Hosein